Tag Archives: Steve Earle

The Devil’s Right Hand

“The devil’s right hand, the devil’s right hand….” is the lyric of an old song by one of my favorite alt-country rocker’s Steve Earle. This song is about a misguided youth, a poker game went awry and the allegorical blame of a Colt 45 being “the devil’s right hand”. For some reason this song popped into my head when I sat down to write this blog and it seemed to be an appropriate title.

One of my best friends and neighbor (see his blog at www.smoothcookies.wordpress.com) and I have been discussing the past few weeks a lot about character traits and maturity as it relates to biblical community and congregational life. We’re both going through transitional periods and are in search of somewhere to plug-in and put down some roots after deciding to move away from the congregation we had both been a part of for six plus years. In many ways we’re looking for the same biblical model but from different perspectives (I’m married with two kids and a fish) and (he’s single and doesn’t even own a pet :-)). In reading David Stern’s NT Commentary on Acts 16:33 today, Stern was discussing the issue of infant baptism and the differences of opinion between all the denominations in Christendom and the divisions this has caused in the Body of Christ throughout history. My friend and I have been discussing the “lesser matter’s” that can cause division amongst believers in family’s, friends, congregations and the Body at large. We have been discussing some of the condemning natures found in some ministries or amongst individual believers and the damning effects that this has on reflecting God’s glory to the lost. This behavior has been likened to HaSatan (Satan) whose name means “the accuser of the brethren” and especially for believer’s who espouse this type of behavior where it could be said that they are indeed being “the devil’s right hand”. Stern offers some great advice and encouragement for believers of all different denominations and backgrounds to hold fast to the core of Who the Messiah is and What He’s done for us! I paraphrase below:

“As believer’s we should be especially aware that the Adversary uses such differences of opinion to turn one part of the Messiah’s Body against another. Believer’s must remain in fellowship with each other and with the rest of the believers, no matter on which side of the issue they stand, so long as it is clear that the basics of the faith are being preserved. Our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) prayed “that they”- meaning we-“may be one” (John 17:20-23). It is far more important to live out that unity and avoid the scandal of “the Messiah…. split in pieces” (1 Corinthians 1:13) than to insist that one’s own interpretation must be accepted (even though, when all is known, it may prove correct) at the expense of fellowship with believers who disagree.”

May grace and shalom be multiplied upon you in the matchless name of Yeshua the Messiah!